
Troubleshooting Polaris Office Setup

The most common reason the Polaris Office setup has failed is that the installation files were not downloaded completely due to an unstable Internet connection or server error. We recommend you try to reinstall this program.
  1. 1. Redownload Polaris Office Installer
  2. 2. Reinstall
If you still experience the same problem while reinstalling this program, download the Polaris Office Offline Installer and try again.
  1. Download Polaris Office Offline Installer
If the problem persists, try the following:
  1. The Installer might be blocked from downloading by a firewall. Add ‘PolarisOfficeInstaller' as an exception to your firewall.

If you have tried all the solutions but failed, contact Polaris Office Customer Support.

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Polaris Office Corp.
주소: 서울특별시 구로구 디지털로31길 12, 15층(구로동) | 대표이사: 지준경
사업자등록번호: 220-81-43747 사업자정보확인 | 통신판매업 신고 번호: 제2017-서울금천-0475호 | 개인정보보호책임자: 이해석
통신판매업 신고 번호 : 제2017-서울금천-0475호

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